Quick peppermint crisp tart
Serves: Enough for 8-10 people
Nutrition facts:
200 calories
20 grams fat
- 1 packet of lemon jelly
- 1 x 380 g can of evaporated milk (put the milk in the fridge the day before)
- 1 tin of caramel
- 2 packets of Tennis Biscuits
- 3 x 100 g-Peppermint Crisp Chocolate
1 Dissolve the jelly powder in half of the water indicated on the instructions on the package. Allow to cool to room temperature. Use boiling water.
2 Beat the evaporated milk to thick and foamy. Beat the caramel until it is smooth and without lumps.
3 Mix the jelly and evaporated milk and stir in the caramel.
4 Pack a layer of Tennis Biscuits in a 29 cm x 22 cm x 6 cm tart dish. Pour a little of the jelly mixture on top and grate half of the chocolate on top. Finish with a layer of jelly mixture. Grate the last Peppermint Crisp on top.
5 Refrigerate for ± 2-3 hours or overnight and serve with a nice cup of tea.
Catherine Schenck
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