kategorieë: Ons menseBekendes

Ivan en Donnalee se babatjie is gebore!

Ivan en Donnalee se babatjie is gebore! Hooffoto: Kristina Stojiljkovic

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Ivan Botha en Donnalee Roberts het pas op sosiale media die goeie nuus gedeel dat hul seuntjie, Cameron, onlangs gebore is. Dit is Donnalee se eerste kind, en Ivan se tweede kind.

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Donnalee skryf op Instagram:

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“Oh the places you will go … My dearest beautiful baby boy, you came into this world with such a calm determination and forever changed it, may every step that you take on this beautiful journey called LIFE be filled with the greatest most colourful adventures, may all your roads always lead you to the JOY of the Lord as that is our greatest strength, may you always lead by example, may every route that you follow and every turn off that you take always be guided by a deep wisdom, may you leave footprints in the hearts of every person that crosses your path because you always make them feel seen and valued. KINDNESS, COMPASSION & COURAGE were the three words that were placed into my heart the day that we found out that we were going to be blessed with a son and we prayed on the calling on your name & your life… ever since, the image of a ‘Gentle Lion’ has been given to us from many people who crossed our path in our preparation to meet you. Becoming YOUR mommy has literally changed my entire being, every cell in my body … as I have discovered my greatest calling and have been given a glimpse into God’s LOVE for us … indescribable all consuming awe inspiring LOVE … your beautiful daddy @ivanbotha17 and I are your BIGGEST fans (you have THE MOST amazing daddy in the whole world, he is literally my hero and one day when we tell you the story of the day that you came into this world you will know exactly why!!) he is my BEST FRIEND and I just know he is going to be yours too … we hope that you DREAM BIGGER than big and we will always always be there cheering and supporting whatever it is you choose to do with your beautiful life!! ?”

En Ivan skryf:

“In 2009 God Romanced me in the most breathtaking way with the most beautiful girl. 11 years later he blessed me with this beautiful boy. It’s a surreal moment becoming a parent of two, I could actually feel how my heart expanded. I never knew I could love this much. What a humble honour to be your Dad. I promise to always do my best. May both of your journeys be filled with God’s love, joy, kindness, courage, compassion and wild adventures. #bebrave #bekind #makeadifference #proudpapa

Gepubliseer deur
Catherine Schenck

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