– Deur Margaret Gardiner
'); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('dfp-300x250-1'); }); document.write(''); }“I never feel sexy, I just don’t”. Jamie Dornan lag terwyl hy met die pers gesels in onderhoude oor Fifty Shades Freed, die laaste in die trilogie gebaseer op E.L. James se topverkoperboeke wat die wêreld in rep en roer gehad het, en steeds het. Jamie en medespeler Dakota Johnson het byna oornag miljoene Fifty Shades-aanhangers gekry en omdat hulle in die werklike lewe sulke goeie vriende is, het hul aanhangers probeer om die fantasie van dié twee sterre se romanse op die grootskerm na die werklike lewe oor te dra. Maar Jamie en Dakota lag dit net af as “good screen chemistry.” Dat hulle gemaklik is met mekaar, is duidelik wanneer hulle tydens Hollywood-perskonferensies vir foto’s poseer en Dakota Jamie se nek liggies kielie en hy dit blykbaar nie agterkom nie.
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Dié twee sterre staan met hul voete stewig op die aarde.
'); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('dfp-300x250-3'); }); document.write(''); }Jamie erken dat hy ongemaklik en blootgestel voel in ’n kaal toneel en daarom was die sexyste deel van die derde fliek vir hom toe hulle vir twee weke in Frankryk verfilm het. “Dakota and I had about eight lines, so it was mainly montage stuff of jet skis and swimming. It was very relaxed and is the most romantic part of the story that is going to mean so much to the fans.” Dakota se sexyste oomblik is ’n toneel waar Anastasia besig is om aan te trek. “She’s putting clothes on and its one of her best moments.”
Dakota is besig om naam te maak vir haarself. Haar ouma, een van Hollywood se ‘koninkles’, Tippi Hedren, het in Alfred Hitchcock se The Birds verskyn, haar ma is Melanie Griffith en haar pa is Don Johnson.
Dakota het die sensualiteit van ’n beeldskone jong vrou waarvan sy onbewus is. Haar styl is aangebore. Haar oë lag altyd en sy sal gereeld haar vol onderlip byt – net soos in die Fifty Shades-flieks. Jamie sê wanneer Dakota regtig lag, snork sy. “Aggressively, and then she can’t stop snorting.” Wanneer Dakota hiervan ingelig word, lag sy – sonder om te snork. ’n Soort intieme laggie wat nie losbreek nie, maar haar gesig ophelder. “I’m trying not to snort.” Sê sy dit terloops sonder enige vorm van verleentheid, dan voeg sy by, “Jamie does a thing when he’s eating. He’ll sometimes store food in the side of his mouth (laughter) and tell a story, but it’ll be quite a long story so he just has this ball of food in the side of his mouth for like, way too long.”
Is daar enige ander geheime oor haar medespeler wat sy met ons wil deel? Haar ligte denimblou oë lag en sy kyk sywaarts af terwyl sy dink. Sy weet die pers soek iets opwindends. Dan lig sy haar skouers en sê, “He’s awesome. I think that he’s talented and smart and funny and he’s a great friend and fantastic. He’s really a joy to be around all the time. When you have to spend like 4 years with someone it’s a long time, but he’s pretty awesome. If I had anything juicy or gossipy to tell you I would, but I don’t. He’s really boring. He doesn’t do anything bad or fun or get into trouble so I got nothing for you.”
Jamie het groot ronde blou oë en dit lyk of hy heeltemal onbewus is van die fisiese uitwerking wat hy op mense het. Hy hou van rugby en mens kry die gevoel dat, as hy die keuse gehad het, hy ’n professionele rugbyspeler sou wou wees. Hy hou daarvan om stories oor sy dogters te vertel en die woorde, “my wife”, kom spontaan in sy gesprekke op. Hy is ernstig oor sy werk en mens kry die indruk dat hy presies is waar hy wil wees en dat hy hard daaraan werk om normaliteit te handhaaf. Tog antwoord hy vrae oor seks-speelgoed en wilde nagte in ’n speelse manier wanneer dit in onderhoude opduik. “Oh goodness, I deal with two kids under four. The wild nights are few and far between. But in my 20s, there were nights in Surrey where you just sort of stumbled around the speakeasy type of bars and the night would get progressively sillier and sillier until your body couldn’t take it anymore, (laughs) and you got a cab or whatnot. There would by drinking and stuff. I am not really into the whole stripper scene so that wouldn’t be on my wild agenda.
“For this role I did visit a dominant and we did have a ‘kink advisor’ on the set with us. He was able to fill me in about a lot of the apparatus so I would look like I knew what I was doing. I had a few interesting sessions with him. And yeah, it was an eye opening experience learning a lot of that stuff.” He lag. “It’s not for me.”
Dakota was nie verbaas om te hoor dat ’n werk soos ʼn ‘kink adviser’ regtig bestaan nie. “I do my research when I work, but Jamie spent more time with him because Anastasia doesn’t really have knowledge about this genre of sex prior to meeting him.
“People have thanked me for helping them feel sexually liberated and I don’t think that that’s something to thank me for. I was just a conduit for the character.”
Het dit haar meer bewus gemaak van wat sy in ’n verhouding wil hê? “I would love to be with someone who is as supportive and respectful of my job equally, as he is of his.”
Wat gaan Jamie die meeste mis nou dat die trilogie tot ’n einde kom?
“Every film you do, you create your little family within it on set with cast and crew; that’s all the more if you did a trilogy of films. I think I will miss the cast, I will miss Dakota, and yeah, I will miss that experience of going through something as monumental as this trilogy of movies has been.”
Dakota sluit af deur te gesels oor die uitwerking wat die flieks op haar gehad het. “When I started making these movies I was 23 turning 24. I had not been nude and the thing about it was it was scary but it was a story I wanted to tell. It was a character I wanted to portray and through the success of the film I had to figure out how to balance exposing myself and then having the massive success of the film could have been really invasive and scary.
“Like my character, I learned to compartmentalize. This is a character and it’s completely separate from me and my life. I’ve learned to balance.”
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