Candice het ingestem om die reeks te ontwerp omdat dit ’n organisasie ondersteun wat haar na aan die hart lê. Die Suid-Afrikaanse organisasie Mothers2Mothers wy hulle toe aan die uitwissing van MIV en Vigs.
'); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('dfp-300x250-1'); }); document.write(''); }Sy het aan die Britse tydskrif gesê:
'); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('dfp-300x250-6'); }); document.write(''); }“I chose this incredible charity Mothers2mothers, a non-profit organisation based out of South Africa that works to prevent the transition of HIV from mothers to their babies. To date the organisation has reached 1.2 million HIV positive mothers and their babies. Like Bottletop, Mothers2mothers is based out of Africa – when I do something for charity I like it to also help the people in my country. It’s as special to me as it is the people we can save.”
'); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('dfp-300x250-2'); }); document.write(''); }Die volledige versameling sal volgende week beskikbaar wees. Kyk op Mother se webblad vir meer inligting.
Lees meer hier:
'); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('dfp-300x250-3'); }); document.write(''); }
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