Ons hou baie van hierdie foto (bo) van Caster Semenya en Ntandoyenkosi Kunene (Mej. Suid-Afrika 2016). Span SA het 10 medaljes by die 2016 Olimpiese Spele in Rio de Janeiro gewen (twee goud, ses silwer en twee brons).
Twitter was vanoggend oorlaai met boodskappe om ons Olimpiese span te verwelkom. Die hutsmerk #teamSArise het verskeie onvergeetlike oomblikke vasgevang. Hier is ’n paar van ons gunstelinge:
Crazy atmosphere at the welcoming in JHB right now !! #teamSArise @teamsouthafrica pic.twitter.com/u6KokYF8Br
— Henri Schoeman (@H_Schoeman) August 23, 2016
Great to see all the support waiting for us at the airport, it’s good to be home, thank you to all #teamSArise pic.twitter.com/n0TXZYNVtC
— TeamSouthAfrica (@teamsa16) August 23, 2016
There they are! @teamsa16, proudly showing off their medals. What a great time! #teamSArise pic.twitter.com/NFiwDLBxz3
— Jacaranda FM (@jacarandafm) August 23, 2016
SA finished 5th on medal table for Athletics after powerhouses USA, Kenya, China, Jamaica! #teamSArise pic.twitter.com/yTH4IJJz3A
— Elana Meyer (@elanameyer) August 22, 2016
Congratulations to our medallists. Thank you for representing South Africa. ?? ?? ?? ?? (? – Getty)
A photo posted by Team South Africa ?? (@teamsouthafrica) on